Sunday, June 8, 2014


The time has come. I made this a few months ago with no idea what to do with it. The title is from a song called... Oh, no. I can't think of the name. One second... "Forever Reign" by Hillsong. It's one of the first songs I ever cried to during worship.

I was on a traveling ministry team and we had just arrived in Australia. We were in this little conference room the retreat center had given us. Just me and my six teammates worshipping, which was one of my favorite things we did. It was hot (being January it makes a whole lot of sense) and a bit muggy.

Let's rewind a bit. Some of my teammates and I decided to stroll along the beach the first night we arrived (I mean, we're about a mile away and it's AUSTRALIA). I was so excited given that the last time I'd been to the ocean I was about eight years old. The excitement was short-lived because as soon as I neared the water I would cower back in fear. What? This is the OCEAN! I'm from Minnesota! I don't see this ever. I should be revelling in this, not shying away! Alas, I was letting my fear get the best of me, as I am wont to do. It's kind of annoying, really.

The entire hour we were walking along the beach I kept daring myself to get into the water and then awkwardly skidding away as the waves hit the sand. I'm not sure if it was the jellyfish all crinkled and washed up every few feet or irrational thought that I could get caught up in a riptide? I'm really not sure what it was, but I just couldn't deal.

Now, you're all caught up and we're in the hot, muggy conference room sitting on the floor worshipping. And we're singing "Forever Reign" when I realize that God wouldn't bring me all the way to Australia for me to die the first night I'm there. Here I am, a twenty-two year old girl that was adopted from India to Minnesota, and was now in a country I've dreamed of visiting. It really feels like God knows what He's doing. And I just knew in that moment He wasn't about to have me die after doing so much to bring me to Australia.

I think in that moment I loved the imagery of running to His arms and jumping into them for the best hug ever imaginable! One where I can cling to Him for as long as I want and ain't nobody about to say a thing. And the idea that God's love will always be enough! It will always be more than enough! Ugh, I just really needed to hear that and proclaim it while crying in a tiny room in Australia.

So, that's the story of the first time I cried while worshipping. Thanks for reading!